How Can I Use DiSC Personality Profiles to Understand How My Colleagues Work and Improve Employee Interactions?

Posted on: October 29th, 2020 by

Everyone has their own unique personality which drives the way they think, act and react. This can often create situations where statements and actions are misperceived by others, resulting in tension, hurt feelings, poor communication, or unmet expectations. Similarly, a failure to understand the ways in which others think and act can increase conflict, particularly in high-pressure work environments.
By understanding the personality styles of your coworkers, you can more effectively sidestep these issues. This will also allow you to foster a more positive and productive work environment. The DiSC Personality Profile can be a powerful tool to unlock a deeper understanding of the ways your coworkers think, act and work. You can leverage this information to improve employee interactions and help individuals with very different personalities get on the same page.

What Is the DiSC Personality Profile?

DiSC Personality Profiles

DiSC Personality Profiles

The DiSC assessment measures the different dimensions of your personality to better understand your behaviors in specific situations. The DiSC acronym refers to the four aspects of personality targeted by the profile:

When using the DiSC personality profile with your employees, it’s important to keep the following points in mind:

Use DiSC Profiles to Improve Your Work Culture

Once you have identified the personality style for everyone on your team, you can use these profiles to create a more positive work culture that will:

DiSC Profiles Help You Understand the Communication Style of Your Coworkers

In many ways, our communication style is guided by our strengths on the DiSC personality profile. For example, an individual with a high “D” score will generally use a communication method that is concise, direct and results oriented. On the other hand, a person with a high “i” score will generally use a more long-winded communication style that includes small talk and anecdotes.
These two communication styles are quite different, and it can potentially lead to frustration when a high “D” employee is interacting with a high “i” employee. However, this frustration can be eliminated if each of these individuals has a better understanding of these inherent differences in their coworker’s communication style. Instead of feeling frustration, they may be able to empathize with their coworker more easily. This will ultimately break down communication barriers.

DiSC Profiles Can Help You Tailor Your Communication with Others

DiSC Personality Profiles Once you have a greater understanding of how your coworkers communicate, you can tailor your emails, conversations and other interactions in a way that more closely aligns with the way they respond. By “meeting others halfway,” you can make communication more productive.
For example, the high “D” employee might be able to include an anecdote in their communication with a high “i” employee to illustrate their point in a way that will be more easily understood. Similarly, the high “i” individual can keep these anecdotes to a minimum and use more results-oriented language with a high “D” coworker to ensure their message is received properly.

DiSC Profiles Can Help Improve the Productivity and Efficiency of Your Team

Communication barriers often lead to misunderstandings and personality clashes that can be detrimental to your team. Instead of building consensus and moving your projects forward, you may find that your team is spending a significant amount of time resolving conflict.
Over time, these frequent conflicts can become a distraction and negatively impact team morale. Ultimately, this will make it more challenging to achieve your goals. In extreme situations, it can even lead to high employee turnover.
Using DiSC profiles makes it easier for your employees to understand each other. This knowledge can be used to reduce conflicts. If you understand why your coworker thinks and acts in a certain way, you are less likely to react negatively during interactions, and you’ll have more tools that will help you engage in productive discussions. This will make your team much more efficient and productive.

PassioHR Can Help

Your company culture is a powerful tool that drives your level of success. Leveraging the benefits of the DiSC personality profile is one tactic that can help improve your company culture. That being said, there are many other strategies you can use to improve employee communication, foster high morale, create a team-oriented environment, and maximize productivity. At PassioHR, we offer a wide range of employee engagement services to help you develop and maintain a strong culture at your company.
We’re the only PEO company in the Denver area that offers an exclusive Elevated Engagement Plus™ program geared towards developing a comprehensive and holistic solution to your employee engagement needs. This approach involves:

Our team will work closely with you to implement your customized program, and we will pay close attention to your needs as your company grows and evolves over time. This will allow us to adapt your program to continually help you move forward and thrive.

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